Were you aware that your brain consists of 100 billion neurons interacting with each other? This interaction occurs with brain waves or small electrical oscillations. Many things can disrupt the regular neural firing of your brain, causing various disorders.
Non-invasive MeRT therapy examines how your brain functions while generating a customized plan to retrain the way it works.
Brain waves (electrical oscillations) allow neurons to communicate through specific pathways in your brain. When pathways are frequently used, they strengthen, with the opposite being true for unused areas in the brain. If external or internal factors disrupt normal brain activities, then underused pathways weaken.
Internal forces can consist of mental illness. For example, if an individual experiences depression for an extended amount of time, pathways associated with depression begin to form (strengthen), whereas pathways generating happiness decrease (weaken).
Internal factors can include:
External factors are outside effects like experiencing a concussion or traumatic brain injury. A thought process does not formulate them; rather, they are actions directly caused to generate brain dysfunction. External factors can weaken areas in the brain, leading to dysfunction.
External factors are:
Despite the brain altering its neural pathways, some individuals can function in their daily activities after experiencing one or more of these factors. However, some experience a poor quality of life and are debilitated.
Any of the factors outlined above can disrupt how neurons fire (communicate) with each other. The level of disruption can vary as people have different tolerance levels. However, with some guidance in the correct direction, your brain functions can improve. MeRT treatments can restore your health and renew the brain’s balance.
Magnetic Resonance Therapy (MeRT) customizes the use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) based on extensive diagnostics. The procedure is painless, non-invasive, and drug-free, and can treat a range of neurological issues.
At Neurosync Brain Treatment Centre, our equipment used for MeRT therapy is FDA-cleared. It works by gently stimulating targeted areas of your brain. Our team has witnessed outstanding success in improving conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder, autism spectrum disorder, concussions/brain trauma, anxiety, depression, and other conditions.
Our non-invasive MeRT therapy treatments begin with quantitative qEEG or EEG. A qEEG (quantitative electroencephalogram) allows our team to note dysfunctional patterns formulating in the brain. These patterns will enable us to identify brain disorders like emotional issues, learning/behavioural challenges, brain injuries, autism, and more. A qEEG also outlines a map to guide our professionals through customized treatments.
We measure and analyze brainwave activity through qEEGs and EKGs (electrocardiograms), which allow us to compare your findings to a baseline standard of brain activity. Our experts search for areas where disruptions to the brain network are noted, and we establish treatment parameters based on the needs.
We can usually reshape brainwave activity regardless of the cause. Furthermore, the MeRT platform is patent-protected. It is undergoing stringent research by private institutions and the U.S. Department of Defense to quantify the outcome and to ensure its long-term safety.
MeRT involves generating a customized treatment plan based on analytics performed before therapy commences. It is not a standardized treatment like TMS. Standard TMS focuses on a single brain area using specific frequencies. MeRT, in contrast, is customized to location and frequency. Each treatment is unique to the individual.
After six to eight weeks of non-invasive MeRT therapy, patients note a marked improvement. They are more relaxed, have better sleep quality, enhanced focus/concentration, mood improvements, better coping skills regarding stress, fewer drug and alcohol cravings, and more.
Everyone’s response to treatment varies. Each of our clients must undergo an assessment period, which enables us to determine whether they are an ideal candidate for MeRT therapy.
Our experts recommend six to eight weeks of receiving MeRT therapy. This is the general time span we use to determine optimal success and the durability of treatments. However, each brain is different, and protocols will differ based on need, the existing condition, and EKG/qEEG findings.
Some treatments last for a lifetime. However, some individuals request follow-up treatments on an as-needed basis. Since each person is unique, the protocols may be different. Yet, overall, the longer the duration of MeRT therapy, the longer your changes remain.
Clients should note that improvements and results are based on our regimens’ strict and active observations. Results can vary according to the person and are not guaranteed.
Clients can use MeRT with other therapy forms. Sometimes, combining therapies helps make the treatments more effective. As the brain becomes more functional, clients can receive better results from therapies.
The benefits of combining therapies will differ according to the individual. If you wish to combine therapies, consult your clinician to determine the best course of action for your situation.
While treatment acceptance is not guaranteed, we will determine through diagnostic testing whether you are a suitable candidate for non-invasive MeRT therapy. We will run you through a series of diagnostics outlined above to determine what areas generate dysfunction, and then tailor a plan to your needs.
Existing research has noted surprising success with MeRT therapy. Treatments are painless yet effective at treating various disorders. Treatments for those with autism already look extremely promising.
To discuss your needs and how we can help, contact Neurosync Brain Treatment Centre at 365-799-8438, by email at neurosyncbtc@outlook.com, or by filling out our online form.
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Email: neurosyncbtc@outlook.com