Your brain consists of 100 billion neurons. It functions by neurons communicating (firing) with each other, using small electrical oscillations/brain waves. However, many things can disrupt the regular firing of neurons.
These disruptions range from mild to severe, and everyone has varying tolerance thresholds. In this article, we will discuss what MeRT therapy in Canada is, how it can help, and what occurs during a typical session.
MeRT stands for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy. It uses Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) with Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG) and Electrocardiogram (EEG) to customize treatments to the client’s brain wave patterns.
This noninvasive, nonsurgical, drug-free, and painless method uses gentle magnetic waves to reprogram the brain’s dysfunctional electrical signals. These modifications restore function and change behaviours.
With MeRT, professionals analyze your brainwave data, compare it against average functioning data, and provide targeted treatments for the best outcome.
MeRT strives to improve brain communication and function. All equipment is FDA-cleared for treating obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) and major depressive disorders.
Professionals also use it to treat other neurological conditions like autism, sleep disorders, addiction/chemical traumas, acute head injuries, anxiety, high stress, learning disorders, and ADD/ADHD.
MeRT combines neuroscience and machine learning analysis expertise to locate areas where brainwaves are not communicating correctly. Once these are identified, we assist clients in restoring them to their proper function. This technology reshapes brain activity independently of the cause of the dysfunction.
The MeRT process occurs in four gradual stages. Clients are continually monitored for improvements and the effectiveness of treatment. Most research indicates clients show marked improvement. Some improvements last over an established duration, while some are permanent. This type of result varies among clients and how they respond to treatment.
Upon initial evaluation, our healthcare experts perform an EKG (electrocardiogram) and qEEG. These diagnostic tests show brain frequencies and brain-heart coherence. A chief neuro-technician performs all testing within 45 minutes.
These tests allow experts to view the brain’s patterns of dysfunction, which helps identify brain disorders. Once we receive the results, physicians and scientists analyze and interpret them to determine how the client’s brain functions. A qEEG assists professionals by providing a map that guides successful treatment.
Patient paperwork is also completed during the evaluation phase, and we schedule an initial treatment assessment for all clients.
Data is tested using patented scientific approaches. This data allows our team to customize your treatment plan by encouraging healthy brain function and communication.
After testing, we establish a second 45-minute appointment. Patients have the choice between in-clinic and telemedicine appointments. During your consultation, an expert will answer all questions and discuss treatment plans.
Once we establish treatment, clients come into our facilities five days weekly for two weeks. While receiving treatment, clients remain comfortably seated. A highly-trained neuro-technician puts magnetic coils on the patient’s head, producing a low-frequency magnetic field. This magnetic field provides mild electrical signals to a targeted area within the individual’s brain.
Each session lasts 30 minutes, and the stimulation occurs for six to eight seconds per minute. Clients must close their eyes during the six to eight-second period while the magnet is in use.
We find that six weeks of treatment are beneficial for optimal, long-lasting results. Before committing to the six-week treatment, professionals have clients undergo an assessment to gauge their response. Assessment periods are included in the six-week treatment process.
After two weeks, we perform additional EKG and qEEGs to determine how well the patient responds to treatment. This monitoring allows us to track progress and make modifications if needed. Progress is monitored throughout daily treatment to track improvements and confirm how the individual feels.
Each assessment is two weeks long, with nine treatment sessions in total. Patients will receive repeated qEEG evaluations. Treatments run Monday to Friday during your first week and Monday to Thursday during the second week. Each treatment session lasts 30–45 minutes. After the second week, we will assess and review the qEEG results.
Optimal results need six to eight weeks of treatment. They are based on strict adherence to treatment regimens and vary among individuals. Success is not guaranteed.
According to qEEG results, if the brain responds well to treatment, it will continue. Ongoing treatments occur Monday through Friday, each day of the week. During treatment, repeated evaluations and consultations are conducted every two weeks to monitor progress.
Clients should notice treatment benefits within one to two weeks. Since patients receive cumulative treatments, improvements will be noticeable throughout the process. Clients often still note progress two weeks after the treatments stop.
Also, since treatment occurs each consecutive day, out-of-town clients should remain in or around the area while undergoing therapy.
Potential side effects from the treatment generally disappear as it continues. Treatment effects tend to last a lifetime. Patients may desire occasional follow-up treatment if required.
Feeling isolated and frustrated by neurological conditions is expected. Many people have tried every form of treatment with little to no results. They begin to lose hope when it seems like nothing is working. At Neurosync Brain Treatment Centre, we understand how you feel.
However, the Neurosync Brain Treatment Centre professionals offer hope for those struggling with neurological conditions. MeRT therapy in Canada helps many people restore their brain function and reclaim their lives with a high success rate. We are here to guide you through what is involved with MeRT so that you can make an informed decision.
Our consultations are free. Family members or clients can address any questions or concerns with one of our team members. We will explain our process, protocols, insurance benefits, and additional details. If you feel this treatment is for you, we can establish an appointment.
Clients or their family members can call us at 365-799-8438 or email us at neurosyncbtc@outlook.com to set up a consultation. You can also fill out our online form here.
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Email: neurosyncbtc@outlook.com